Directorate of Research, Innovation, Linkages, and Internationalization

Fostering Academic Excellence on a Global Scale

The Directorate of Research, Innovation, Linkages, and Internationalization at Western Delta University plays a pivotal role in advancing the institution's commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and global partnerships. This directorate serves as the driving force behind the university's engagement with the global academic community and the development of cutting-edge research initiatives.

Key Focus Areas

1. Research Excellence:
  • Promoting a culture of research and scholarly inquiry across academic disciplines.
  • Facilitating collaborative research projects among faculty members and with external partners.
2. Innovation and Technology Transfer:
  • Encouraging innovation and the application of research findings for societal and economic impact.
  • Supporting technology transfer initiatives that bring research outcomes to the marketplace.
3. Linkages and Collaborations:
  • Establishing and nurturing strategic linkages with industry, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
  • Facilitating collaborations that enhance academic programs and provide real-world experiences for students.
4. Internationalization:
  • Promoting a global perspective in teaching, research, and student experiences.
  • Fostering international collaborations, student exchange programs, and joint research initiatives with universities worldwide.

Activities and Initiatives

  1. Research Grants and Funding:

    • Administering research grants and funding opportunities to support faculty research endeavors.
  2. Conferences and Symposia:

    • Organizing and hosting conferences, symposia, and workshops that bring together experts from various fields.
  3. Technology Transfer Office:

    • Managing a Technology Transfer Office to facilitate the commercialization of university research.
  4. International Partnerships:

    • Identifying and nurturing international partnerships to enhance the global reach and impact of the university.
  5. Student Exchange Programs:

    • Facilitating student exchange programs that provide students with international exposure and cultural experiences.
  6. Collaborative Projects:

    • Initiating collaborative projects with industry partners to address real-world challenges and opportunities.

Our Vision

The Directorate aspires to be a vital international resource, raising awareness about globalization, fostering an appreciation for foreign languages and cultures, and developing globally competent graduates to meet current labor market demands.

Our Mission

The Directorate of Research, Innovation, Linkages, and Internationalization is committed to:

  • Enhancing the institution's international reputation and visibility.
  • Creating exceptional international opportunities for faculty and staff.
  • Developing strategic networking and collaboration initiatives to realize our vision.

Get Involved

The Directorate of Research, Innovation, Linkages, and Internationalization welcomes the involvement of faculty, students, and external partners. If you are interested in collaborating on research projects, exploring innovative ideas, or establishing partnerships, please reach out to our office.

Contact Us

Directorate of Research, Innovation, Linkages, and Internationalization

KM 10 Benin-Sapele Road, P.M.B 10, Oghara, Delta State, Nigeria.
Phone:+234 703-8592-752
Email: [email protected]

Embrace a culture of research and innovation at Western Delta University, where global perspectives and impactful collaborations drive academic excellence!
