Health and Wellness Center

Nurturing Well-being, Empowering Lives

At Western Delta University, we prioritize the health and well-being of our students, recognizing that a healthy mind and body are integral to academic success. The Health and Wellness Center is committed to providing comprehensive healthcare services, promoting wellness initiatives, and fostering a supportive environment for the entire university community.

Services Offered

1. Medical Consultations:
  • Access professional medical consultations for routine health check-ups, illness management, and preventive care.
2. Counseling Services:
  • Confidential counseling services for mental health support, stress management, and personal development.
3. Health Education:
  • Regular workshops and seminars on health-related topics to enhance awareness and promote healthy lifestyles.
4. Immunization and Vaccination:
  • Facilitation of immunization programs and vaccination clinics to protect against preventable diseases.
5. Emergency Care:
  • Swift and efficient emergency care services for immediate medical needs.

Wellness Initiatives

  1. Fitness Programs:

    • Engage in fitness programs, exercise classes, and wellness challenges to promote physical activity.
  2. Nutritional Counseling:

    • Receive guidance on maintaining a balanced diet and making healthy food choices.
  3. Mindfulness and Relaxation:

    • Participate in mindfulness sessions and relaxation techniques to manage stress and enhance mental well-being.
  4. Health Screenings:

    • Periodic health screenings to detect and address potential health issues early on.

Promoting a Healthy Campus Culture

  1. Smoke-Free Campus:

    • Support for a smoke-free environment, promoting respiratory health for all members of the university community.
  2. Wellness Events:

    • Regular wellness events, health fairs, and campaigns to engage students and staff in prioritizing their health.

How to Access Services

  1. Walk-ins:

    • Visit the Health and Wellness Center during operating hours for medical consultations or counseling.
  2. Appointments:

    • Schedule appointments for specific medical services or counseling sessions.
  3. Emergency Services:

    • In case of emergencies, utilize the emergency care services provided by the center.

Contact Us

For inquiries, appointments, or emergency assistance, please contact the Health and Wellness Center:

Health and Wellness Center

KM 10 Benin-Sapele Road, P.M.B 10, Oghara, Delta State, Nigeria.
Phone:+234 703-8592-752
Email: [email protected]

Embark on a journey to holistic well-being at Western Delta University, where the Health and Wellness Center is dedicated to nurturing a healthy campus community!
